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How to Steal a Mountain

“They said I’d have to steal the forest ... But I’ve done better than that. I’ve stolen the mountain”

Samti’s life is happy, peaceful and illegal.


She lives next to a mountainous reserve, which she steals from – and she can out run the guards. But then Samti’s world is turned upside down by the arrival of a conservation project devoted to saving a mysterious new animal. Only no one really understands the creature. They don’t know where it has come from, or what revolutions it will bring. Worlds that have been safely separated for centuries are colliding. Lethal criminal networks are growing in influence and power. Treachery abounds. When things begin to go wrong, and go wrong badly, Samti faces a deadly choice that could ruin all she cherishes.



Scroll down for a free look at the first chapters and explore Samti’s forest (on page 10), meet the character 'Ratona' (on page 17) and discover the mysterious new creature, the grimcat (on page 26)


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The Book: Welcome
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Find Out More


Read the first six chapters.

Read reader reviews by 10-14 year old Tanzanian students. 


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