This project aims to bring together a number of
researchers with experience in Tanzania.
The team comprises:
Lund University
University of Copenhagen
University of California, Davis
Professor Dan Brockington
PI, University of Sheffield
University of East Anglia
DIIS - Danish Institute for International Studies
PDRF, University of Liverpool
Aida Isinika
Sokoine Univeristy
Koos KIngma
Wageningen University
University of Sodertorn
University of Leeds,
Moses Mnzava
University of Dar es Salaam
Christine Noe
University of Dar es Salaam
Stockholm University
Copenhagen Business School
University of Arizona
Cosmas Sokoni
University of Dar es Salaam
Emmanuel Sulle,
University of the Western Cape
Ntengua Mdoe
Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
We would like to thank the family of Rolf Larsson for kindly allowing us to use his data posthumously.