Gender, education and money: shaping different livelihood pathways in Shinyanga
Taking cotton to market 2015 My work in Lubaga in Shinyanga Region has involved several intermittent studies, but when it began I could...

Wrong again! How impressions can lead us (somewhat) astray
Three weeks ago I sat down to clean and analyze 16 years of economic data (1995-2010) from the village of Mirumba (Mpimbwe Division),...

Reflections on change in Irqwa Da’aw, Mbulu, Tanzania
High up on the eastern side of the highlands above the Rift Valley in Central Tanzania is the region of Irqwa Da’aw, (Mama Issara as it...

Surprising Trends from Wealth Data // How Data are Differentiated by Gender and Not Just by Geograph
Sometimes we might be surprised by what a thorough analysis of our data shows us. For example, if you had asked me a couple of weeks ago...

Visual Ethnography // An Exhibition of Paintings at the Sheffield Winter Gardens
As part of the Livelihoods Project, artist, ethnographer and post-doc on the project, Olivia Howland, was commissioned to produce a new...

Of Roads, Solar Panels and Tobacco// Rural Change in Ruvuma, Tanzania from a 20-year Perspective
Of roads (and other big changes) I open my eyes from a brief nap as our driver glides along a brand-new and shiny highway. I need to...

Getting to Know Goima Anew// Tracing Change in a Tanzanian Village with a 25 Year Perspective
This exciting post was written by our colleagues Willie Ostberg and Joseph Mduma following their recent revisit to their study site, 25...

The Sesame Seed Cash Injection//Asset Investment and Economic Change in Mtowisa Village, Rukwa Regio
At the heart of this research project is the question ‘is Tanzania’s growing national economic prosperity visible in its rural areas?’....

Coffee Break//Potentials and Pitfalls for Meru Farmer's Prosperity
The following blog post is from Dr Christine Noe. Christine works at the University of Dar es Salaam, and is one of our colleagues on...

From Pyramid to 'Pointed Egg'?//Preliminary Observations on Long-Term Rural Livelihoods and
Twenty years ago, I lived in Tanzania for 18 months to carry out fieldwork for my PhD on changing rural livelihoods under market...